Do not be afraid. Stand firm and you will see the deliverance the Lord will bring you today. The Lord will fight for you; you need only to be still.
Exodus 14:13-14
Hello everyone! For those who don't know, my mom ended up being sent home the day after checking in at the hospital because her platelets were too low to begin chemo. Her oncologist wants her to go get her blood checked tomorrow morning to see if her platelets have increased and then will schedule when to have her come in. Most likely they will admit her tomorrow. Even if her platelets are still too low he said they will begin chemo because they are not too worried about her bone marrow since she will be having a transplant. He told us they do have a donor for her who has 11 out of 12 matched traits. He said the unmatched trait is not a critical one though. So that is good news. He also told us that even though she feels like she's had a horrible time with chemo, she is doing very well treatment-wise!
My mom is feeling really good. Over the past 3 days she has been able to go to lunch with my dad's aunt and uncle, go to Home Goods, and go for a walk! She gets pretty tired afterwards but that's expected with this chemo. We are glad she had the extra couple of days to gain more of her strength before the next chemo.
We also asked her doctor about the plans for the scans to see if she is in remission. He said she will have a bone marrow biopsy and a PET scan at the end of the month. Praying that it will all be gone! Then the transplant will take place sometime in early or mid-February.
I will keep you all updated when she begins her last round of chemo! Keep praying!
OMG that is such great news on the bone marrow. I heard about it on Saturday- and saw the article in the Telegraph. We are so happy for you Julie- I know it has been a rough go- but your family and friends have been there every second. I only had the best of thoughts for your and your family. Much love, Vicki