Monday, March 5, 2012

Day +9

It feels like we have hit a little bump in the road today. My mom is still not feeling good. She has stomach cramps and mouth pain. She has also gained a lot of weight and the doctors are not sure why. Her stomach is swollen. They said the stomach pain may be caused by mucositis, which is inflammation and ulcers of the lining of the digestive system. That's what causes the mouth sores also. They say the weight gain may be just from all the fluids. We are hoping it's nothing more than that, but they will be watching to make sure it has nothing to do with her liver or kidneys. She is on a lot of antibiotics because she has fevers. They give her many general antibiotics that fight off any infections or bacteria since her white blood cells are basically at 0.

Please, please pray that this is not anything serious and that she begins feeling better soon. God is watching over her and hears all of our prayers. The donor's cells should begin to engraft soon (settle into her bone marrow) and begin making blood cells. That's the next stage of this process.


  1. You can bet I'm praying ALL the time! I believe the Lord will bring her thru this. We pray for the doctors, too, that they will have the knowledge and wisdom to make wise decisions. Jesus is the Great Physician. Healing comes from His Hand. God is able!
    Love you, Nana

  2. you are in our thoughts and prayers. with love, Mary

  3. Julie, we are praying and thinking of you all the time.

  4. Hang in there Spicer family!!! You Will Get Through This.....
    Always thinking and praying for you...
    Love Ron and Debbie
