Today has been a rough day for me. Just woke up feeling sad. I keep remembering little details about my mom like the way she put on her lipstick or how she would spend the entire day outside gardening on days like today. I would get so annoyed at her for being out there all day, but now I wish I had helped her and enjoyed those days. I know she would have loved this weather. After gardening she probably would have sat on the swinging chair and read a book.
I was so touched to see that her school is planning on setting up several memorials in her honor. I read this online in the Nashua Telegraph. A teacher's wife painted a picture of her for the school library. Also, they are still figuring out what they are going to do but some ideas have been to set up a scholarship for a high school student who wants to go into education or having a fund for students who cannot afford field trips or having a brick or special bench at the school in her honor. I especially like the idea of a fund for field trips because my mom often had students who couldn't afford the cost of field trips and she would use her own money so they could go. I think one time she even paid for a student to go to summer camp during the summer because she thought he was a special kid who could do great things with the right opportunities. She did so many good things and wanted no recognition for any of the things she did. What a wonderful person. I hope people will do kind little things in her honor.
Tomorrow is the memorial service at St. Christopher Catholic Church in Nashua. It will be at 11am. I look forward to seeing everyone else who loved her!
It was a beautiful Mass for Julie and so many lives that she touched were there to show how much she meant to them. It was amazing to see all the people that helped with the Mass and the luncheon with all the food people made. She was a very caring ,loving and thoughtful person and it was so nice to see everyone who also felt that way about her too. Love you! Debbie and Ron