Tuesday, November 1, 2011

Day 2

Thanks everyone for all of your support. Wendy and Mary just left. Dennis and Alicia are on their way to Boston now and Julie's mom will be here tomorrow.

Julie is doing okay today. All of the medicine she is on makes her feel sick but we think once she gets home she will feel better. It's hard to stay in the hospital when you weren't expecting it. Also, we are all still in shock. She will have another chemo treatment later this afternoon but first they have to do an MRI because she had some back pain yesterday. The doctors are extremely thorough, and we are so grateful for that. The nurses are all extremely nice. They said she might be able to go home tomorrow if she is feeling well.
That's all for now.


  1. Thanks tom! Give Julie a big hug from all us!!

  2. Thinking of u guys love you, positive energy your way!!
