Thursday, December 22, 2011

Dec 22

Just wanted to let everyone know that my mom is coming home tonight!! She is waiting for one more medication and then will be discharged. So she will be home for Christmas! She is feeling the effects of the chemo today unfortunately-some mouth sores, tired, etc. but she is glad to be coming home where we can make her more comfortable :) Reminder that our bone marrow drives will be held tomorrow! Thanks to our family in NJ and NY who are holding drives today for her!


  1. That is awesome news an I'm very happy to hear julie will be home with her family christmas. There is nothing better then having family home together for christmas.Merry Christmas to all of you an cherrish an enjoy each other on sunday.God Bless the Spicer Family

  2. What a wonderful Christmas present to have her home. We are so happy for all of you. Enjoy this precious gift and Big Hugs to everyone.
    Stay strong Julie. We are so proud of you!
    Love ya-
    Debbie and Ron

  3. So happy she will be home for christmas!!!! Enjoy your holiday.


  4. Wishing your family a peaceful and happy holiday. Merry Christmas
    Love, Dave, Heidi, Jake and Luke

  5. Prayers being said for a healthier 2012.
